Arty Bollocks definition
The process of extolling a piece of art in excess of its actual quality or worth by the use of superfluous or extravagant language to hide its actual inadequacies i.e the emperors new clothes effect
We recently had a talk at my local Camera club by Ashley Franklin. Ashley is an entertaining speaker with a long background as both photographer, judge and in a former life DJ and photo journalist. As such he puts together an engaging talk.
His talk was the second of a two-part series covering photography's history and its critical genres, together with Ashley 's particular take on them. The 1st half of the talk covered uncontroversial topics such as advertising, landscapes and aerial photography. The started after the break when he turned to fine art photography.
To put it mildly, Ashley is not a fan.
He showed various examples of artists such as Andreas Gursky, Wolfgang Tillmans and others, where he (and a number of others) in the audience chuckled at the quality of the photography and the absurd amounts that they sell for.
However, I was a bit uncomfortable about this part of the talk. It wasn't so much about Ashley's opinions, but more about my own inability to define what I felt was wrong about it.
So it has spurred me to think about my history with fine art photography, and (despite myself), mount a defence on its right to exist
The Rise of Arty Bollocks
During the talk, two recent examples of Arty Bollocks came into my head
I was in Paris recently (I know, it's a tough life) and you cannot throw a baguette without hitting an art gallery or two. I therefore took the opportunity for me and my good wife to go to a couple (To my disappointment the Henri Cartier-Bresson museum was closed )
So two Arty Bollock examples
Example 1 The Bourse de Commerce Arte Povera exhibition
A mixture of photography, sculpture and art work with descriptions like "defining seamlessly fashion ethical realism". The very definition of Arty Bollocks
Example 2. A small side gallery called the Louvre.
Collections of major artworks and sculptures including a small 30 by 21-inch painting of a woman called the Mona Lisa., by up-and-coming artist Leonardo Da Vinci
Is this arty bollocks? Most would say no, but then you get descriptions like the one below
"I was struck by its simplicity and the enigmatic nature of the subject’s expression. The depth of the image was breathtaking with the muted colouring creating an aura-like atmosphere. I found myself being drawn into her eyes, which seemed to follow me as I walked around the room. "
If you did not know the history of the painting or the artist, it would be easy to put this into prime Arty Bollocks territory. I mean the painting is nice, but is it as good as it is lauded?
So taking these two examples, there are a number of lessons to be learned.
1. Cost is not equal to Value
One of the issues Ashley had with images was the inflated amounts people paid for them. If the Mona Lisa ever came onto the market, it would no doubt break all records. For example, the Salvator Mundi was sold for £450 million, despite doubts about whether it was even painted by Da Vinci.
But generally, artists have no control of the value of their works. The art world is a business based on speculation and markets. Just because a photo is sold for £ 1 million, we should not blame the artist or use the to measure its quality.
For example during the (fortunately short-lived) NFT craze, photos we being sold for far more than their ordinary value. That was not because the picture value had been re-ascertained, more we were in a bull market, with everyone piling in to make a killing
2. An artists talent cannot be ascertained from one image
In club photography, the single image is king. Rarely do you get a chance to show more than one image. In fine art photography, the artist wants to express some concept. They are trying to express a wider meme, and generally, this requires the entire body of work to understand it.
For example, if only the Mona Lisa existed of da Vinci's work, we would not be as impressed nor he be as famous. However, it is the work taken as a whole which defines his quality
3. Art is a journey
There is an assumption that Picasso just started off making cubist paintings. That is not true, his early work was more traditional, but as he grew as an artist he pushed against the given and re-defined his work and what a picture was
It is similar to photography. Some of the artists in the talk were pushing against the constraints of what is generally considered a photo, but could only do that because they had already established their skill as artists. One of my favourite photographers, Andy Gray, is a fine photographer in the club definition but has chosen to go down the ICM route. However, he can only get there because he has done the hard yards
When I was just getting into photography, I happened on a photo exhibition in Bakewell. Among the usual landscape images, was a set of photos which were very different. They were almost a stream of consciousness images and black and white tree branches. They were prime Arty Bollocks, but for some reason, they stood out among the rest and I did something very unusual for me and emailed the photographer about how much I liked them.
The artist was Doug Chinnery , and I later found he was a well-known photographer with a history of taking great, but standard landscape shots. No one could accuse Doug of not knowing how to photograph, but his work has moved to more abstract memes over the years.
If I had turned up to an art gallery with such shots, I would not get past the door, but because it was part of Doug's journey, it had more value.
Similarly, when David Hockney created his Polaroid montages, it was accepted in a way other artists were not.
4. Time defines quality
Trying to define what is quality and what is art cannot be defined easily. However looking back in history it is easier to understand which art and artists are significant, and which were superficial.
Many photographers we consider critical to the genre, were riduculed and belittled in their era. However they are now seen as pioneers. Similarly, if you look back at photographic magazines only 50 years ago, a lot of photographic styles seem a bit simplistic or bland.
Only looking through the filter of history, can we see the direction of travel. So it is today. Some of the images Ashley disparaged may turn out to be the Pepper No 30, while some will be also rans
5. Art is personal
Many people consider Ansel Adams, the finest landscape photographer of all time. However, I have heard many say, that they just don't get him. Does that make Adams fans wrong? No, it means that the art for whatever reason does not speak to them.
There can be many reasons for this. Education, Personal experience, or just heritage and where you were brought up. Someone growing up in the Northwest may appreciate Adams images, more than someone brought up, in,say, East Anglia.
I had a direct experience of that last year. I went to the National Portrait Gallery to see the years' portrait prize winners. The National Gallery is one of the few places where photography is held to the same level as painting, but I have to say the winners of the competition largely left me cold. but the image below kept drawing me back.
In many ways it is similar to Sally Mann's immediate family images. For me with teenage daughters, I knew that look. As someone without that experience, it would not create the same emotions.
So was I right and the judges wrong?
No, Art is at its best when it is personal, but you cannot expect everyone to have the same emotions.
What is wrong however is to belittle someone just because they did not react the same way as you
A lesson from history
The 1st photographic image was generated about 1826. By the late 1840s, every city had its own “Daguerrean artist", the first professional portrait photographers. Two things then happened. Firstly the process of having your portrait taken became "democratized". More people could now own an image of themselves and their loved ones.
Secondly, traditional artists were increasingly pushed out of their livelihood by cost.
Coincidentally or not, painters started pushing against the boundaries and constraints imposed from above, with the impressionist movement being born. At the time, the Académie des Beaux-Arts still dominated French art. The Académie was set up as the preserver of traditional French painting standards of content and style and imposed rules on what should be considered acceptable.
The impressionists therefore had to move outside the official painting circles, painting that was not deemed acceptable by the traditional painting authorities
In this era of increased restrictions and facing a changing landscape of technology, they de-constructed what a painting was. They rejected realism, to concentrate on more abstract forms. To do so, they asked questions that traditional art forms skipped over, such as the nature of light, the limitation of form, and how colour interacts with structure.
It could be said that photography has reached a similar nadir.
Modern cameras and phones have democratised the taking of images to the point we are flooded with photos, which the available technology ensures are good enough. In fact, the camera technology makes a lot of the skill of the photographer now superfluous, with exposure and focus generally automatically handled
The next thing is the rise in AI. It is already possible to generate images with a simple command. Phones are starting to have AI features added to identify and correct image faults, and it won't be long till cameras follow suit.
Ironically two photographers that Ashly did like Red Saunders and Cédric Delsaux , are not really fine art photographers and could easily be created using AI
So what does that mean for the future of photography and how does art photography fit in?
But what is the question?
Exactly. Now that you know that the answer to the Ultimate question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is forty-two, all you need to do now is find out what the Ultimate Question is.
Hitch Hikers guide to the galaxy
One of the issues I had with Ashley's discussion on Fine Art photography, was I felt he had a very narrow focus on what parameters defined a good photo, without ever asking the question "Why are those metrics the important ones?"
As club photographers, we are often given rules that are used to measure the quality of our images. Things like, are areas that distract the eye? Is the image sharp? The rule of thirds, even the rule of 3 objects.
As a club photographer, you learn these mantras when you enter your image in competitions, and woe betide any image which fails these rules in the eyes of the judge.
The problem is by following these dictates', we don't ask the question "Why are these rules the important ones?" and in doing so we just follow the herd, and the result is just a set of identikit images
Why art photography is important
"A bit of madness is keyTo give us new colors to seeWho knows where it will lead us?And that's why they need us"
La La Land
So why is fine art photography important and why should we not dismiss it out of hand?
Photography, like any art form, must evolve if it to remain relevant
Like evolution, there is however no master plan. Instead, it changes by participants continually asking questions about the status quo. Therefore it is important not dismiss those who push against the flow.
Fine art pushes the boundary about what a photo is. Like impressionism, it de-constructs the image and in doing so allows us to rebuild photography in new and exciting ways
It also grows by pushing the boundaries and inciting our emotions. Many people get angry with fine art photography. Anger, like pleasure are strong emotions, which also drive our memories. An image you particularly dislike and makes you angry is generally more memorable than an image which is "nice".
Fine art photography is needed to make us ask questions on what is photography. It should make us uncomfortable and edgy, and in the end it should result in pushing us into new directions.
And yes, not all fine art photography is necessarily good, but the important thing is to ask the question why it is not good and not to dismiss it out of hand just because we don't like,. As artists we must continually re-examine our prejudices, understand how our beliefs came to be and in doing so, merge new found insights into our photographic zeitgeist.
If we don't we end up with what we see in, unfortunately, far too much photography. The same derivative images being presented again and again. The work then becomes predictable, inward-looking, and just boring and we don't bring on the next generation of photographers
We don't have to like art, but we should never dismiss fine it, nor hide away from iit
To paraphrase someting, thatVoltaire apparently never said.
"I dislike everything about this artwork, but I will defend to the death, your right to present it"