Monday 4 December 2017

Advent 2017 Day 4 Mono chrome

This one was done for my local camera club competition. Every year a theme around one word is chosen for next year competition. In other years we had words as far part as Transport and Emphasis.

Mono Chrome

This year the theme was Monochrome. The problem with this was the picture was to obvious. Basically we would have a whole collection of B&W images.

Now basically when people jag left, my desire is to jag right, so the challenge was to come with an image that met the 'breif' but allowed me to experiment a bit.

So I decided to play with the term Monochrome (Mono Chrome geddit!) .

Basically the shoot consisted of a sheet of chequered vinyl. The Ball was the end of a curtain retainer I got for £2 at B&M.

The challenge was the lighting. The camera was on a tripod and the light was a LED light, which i tried at various angles. To get the fall off to the distance I tried a number of apertures and used black curtains at the end to create a black background.

The reason I like the picture so much was that it was a picture where the planning and execution came together.

One person asked whether it was real of computer generated, and in truth it might of been easier to generate it via computer (not sure what category that would come under in club rules).

In the end however, the judge did not get the joke, and in competition it was not a great success, but it was a fun project to do.

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